Raising the awareness of young generations about the importance of cultural institutions and national cultural heritage inevitably include the cooperation between museums and educational institutions (kindergartens and schools). Trying to reach young audience, every year, as part of a series of educational programs for preschool children, creative programs are planned and cover various topics: Sava Šumanović: Prove What You Can Do, In the Studio of Nadežda Petrović, Milica Zorić: Embroiderer of Dreams, and others. The program takes off in the kindergarten: in the first part, Curator in a Kindergarten, the children, together with the curator, embark on a “virtual investigation” into the theme of the story and selected artworks, learning from the curator interesting facts about Pavle Beljanski, artists and works represented in the collection. After the first part of the program, the children visit the museum’s permanent exhibition and in the practical part of the workshop, together with the preschool teachers and a curator of The Memorial Collection, they try out different art techniques. The exhibition of children’s works is planned for the beginning of next year when professional trainings of teachers and art pedagogues are also to be held, as well as series of creative workshops called Little Curator, organized for children and their parents.
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