The educational programme at The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
22 February – 13 April
Milica Orlović Čobanov, museum advisor
Pre-School Institution “Radosno Detinjstvo”, Novi Sad: Jelena Tišma, Viktoria Čikoš
Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad, Ljubica Tankosić
On Saturday, 22nd February at 11 a.m., The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection will open the exhibition When I Grow Up, I’ll Be a Sculptor, showcasing selected works by preschool children who participated in the educational programme series.
This year, with the support of the Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad, sculpting workshops have been organized for preschoolers from five kindergartens of the “Radosno Detinjstvo” Preschool Institution in Novi Sad (“Pčelica”, “Vilenjak”, “Mrvica”, “Veseli vozić”, and “Čarolija”), involving over 120 children. In memory of sculptor Risto Stijović and in honour of the 130th anniversary of his birth, young participants of the Kindergarten Curator workshop could learn about the artist’s education and the inspirations behind some of his sculptures through a discussion with a curator. The second segment of the Museum Kindergarten programme allowed children to use maps to locate Stijović’s artworks and draw their impressions on-site.
This year’s collaboration between The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and the Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad resulted in a unique programme where participants explored new concepts in visual arts and, by mastering sculpting techniques in a studio setting, created their own small “masterpieces” inspired by the great sculptor. The exhibition of the children’s selected works will showcase the results of this collaborative effort, accompanied by a supporting programme.
The programme coordinator is Milica Orlović Čobanov, museum advisor, with partners from the Preschool Institution “Radosno Detinjstvo” in Novi Sad, Jelena Tišma and Viktoria Čikoš, and Ljubica Tankosić from the Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad.