Almost the entire painting of Sava Šumanović (1896–1942) belongs to the period between the two world wars. Building a more comprehensive picture of Šumanović’s realisms and their relations with international art tendencies was the starting point in the approach to this exhibition held in The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, The Gallery of Matica Srpska and the Art Gallery “Sava Šumanović” in Šid.
24 September – 4 December
At the exhibition in The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, the audience will see thirty-two artworks created by Šumanović between 1919 and 1941 that originally belong in the public and private collections from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and France. A dynamic period for French and European culture will be revealed by presenting numerous photographs and documents about acquaintances, friends, artists and art movements in Europe, especially Paris.
The exhibition in The Gallery of Matica Srpska tells an interesting museum-related story about the transformation of a private collection into a public one. Seventeen artworks that Šumanović created between 1921 and 1925 are currently kept in The Gallery of Matica Srpska and the National Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb. All of them had originally belonged in the more diverse and complex Dorić Collection. Despite being limited to one short period of Šumanović’s oeuvre, Dorić’s collection provides an insight into an extremely significant period of the painter’s formative years. Without that a complete understanding and reception of Sava Šumanović’s art are impossible.
The exhibition in the Art Gallery “Sava Šumanović” in Šid is dedicated to the “Bathers of Šid”, a unique cycle belonging to contemporary European art. No painter born in this region has created such an impressive series as the neo-realistic and abstract-classical “Bathers of Šid”.
The exhibition in three museums includes a representative, richly illustrated catalogue with articles by prominent scientists and museum experts: prof. Zvonko Maković, prof. Lidija Merenik, prof. Igor Borozan, Ana Ereš PhD, Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski PhD, Sofija Milenković MSc, Gordana Krstić Faj, Tamara Ognjević MSc, and Milana Kvas MSc.
The exhibition in The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection also involves a tactile segment for the blind and partially sighted, while the accompanying programmes in all three galleries offer lectures with sign language interpretation, interactive workshops held in the museums and on social networks designed for different age groups, as well as the performance of the theatre play “The Bohemians of Montparnasse” by the “Mišolovka” Youth Theatre that takes place in the Memorial Collection and the Gallery in Šid.
The exhibition is supported by: the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities of the AP Vojvodina, Office for Culture of the City of Novi Sad, “Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture” Foundation, French Institute in Serbia – Novi Sad Branch, JSC Insurance Company “DDOR Novi Sad”, Municipality of Šid
Sava Šumanović’s Turkish Bath (Hamam)
The conservator’s story about the painting: Darko Despotović, MA, senior conservator-restorer
Thursday, 1 December, 7 PM
Exhibition tour in the French language
Daria Marković, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Novi Sad
Friday, 2 December, 2.30 PM
“The Bohemians of Montparnasse” and The International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Museum theatrical play “Mišolovka” Youth Theatre, Novi Sad
Saturday, 3 December, 3 and 6 PM
”An Untold Story: Šumanović – Dorić – The Gallery of Matica Srpska”
Lecture: Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski, PhD
3 November, 7 PM
“Sava Šumanović and the Constructive Method“
Lecture: Ana Ereš, PhD
17 November, 7 PM
“Sava Šumanović at Salon des Artistes Indépendants in Paris (1922–1929)“
Lecture: Gordana Krstić Faye
24 November, 7 PM
Tactile workshop for children:
Snežana Nikolić, MA
5 November, 11 AM–12.30 PM
Exhibition tour in the French language
Daria Marković, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Novi Sad
Saturday, 5 November, 5 PM and 6 PM
“Uroš Đurić Meets Sava Šumanović: Memorial Collection exhibition tour
Wednesday, 9 November, 5 PM
“The Bohemians of Montparnasse”
Museum theatrical play
“Mišolovka” Youth Theatre, Novi Sad
Saturday, 19 November, 5 PM and 6 PM
International research conference
“Sava Šumanović and European Realisms Between the Two World Wars”
Lecture by prof. Zvonko Maković
“Sava Šumanović: The Beginning (Zagreb, 1914-1925)”
Saturday, 25 November, 10 AM-5 PM
*TALE workshops will be scheduled in arrangement with the English language teachers
*every weekend, 12-2 PM, exhibition tours are organized for visitors (in Serbian and English)
“Dress the Bathers” for primary school pupils
Fine art workshops
2 and 9 November, 1–2 PM
“The Art of Quotations” Literary workshops for the young
4 November, 1–2 PM
“Sava Šumanović and Realisms in Europe”
MA Milana Kvas
7 November, 6 PM
“The Art of Quotations”
Fine art workshops for high school students
10 November, 11 AM – 12 PM
TALE workshop
for the 8th grade pupils
16 November, 1-2 PM
“Sava’s Live Models: Kiki and Ema”
Lecture: Marija Pokrajac
17 November, 6 PM
“Bringing the Bathers to Life”
Inclusion workshop for younger primary school pupils
25 November, 11 AM-12 PM
Concert – students of the Primary Music School “Filip Višnjić”, Šid
25 November, 7 PM
“Sava Šumanović and Realisms in Europe Between the Two World Wars”
International research conference in the “Sava Šumanović” Art Gallery, Šid
26 November, 10 AM-5 PM
“The Bohemians of Montparnasse”
Theatre play
“Mišolovka” Youth Theatre, Novi Sad
26 November, 3 and 6 PM
*If case the organizers reschedule the events, the updates will be available on the websites of The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and the Art Gallery “Sava Šumanović” in Šid
24 September – 30 October
Wednesdays – Sundays, 9 AM – 5 PM
A workshop for children „A Portrait of an Artist“
Children’s Week
Pre-School Institution “Radosno Detinjstvo”, Novi Sad
Selena Tabaković, a visual artist
4 – 5 October, 11 AM – 1 PM, PBMC
A guided exhibition tour with a sign language interpreter
Milan Kvas, MA
6 October, 7 PM, PBMC
“Sava Šumanović and Artistic and Theoretical Universe of André Lhote”
Lecture: Sofija Milenković, MA
13 October, 7 PM
Tactile workshop for children:
Snežana Nikolić, MA
15 October, 12 – 1:30 PM
“The Bohemians of Montparnasse”
Museum theatrical play
“Mišolovka” Youth Theatre, Novi Sad
15 October, 4 and 7 PM
The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection Award ceremony and a lecture :
“Classicism in the Art of Sava Šumanović”
Prof. Igor Borozan PhD
21 October, 1 PM
“The Light and Shadows of Paris: a Short Chronicle of Art Realities from the Belle Époque to the ‘Roaring Twenties’”
A lecture with a sign language interpreter
Tamara Ognjević, MA
27 October, 7 PM
“The Bohemians of Montparnasse”
Museum theatrical play
“Mišolovka” Youth Theatre, Novi Sad
29 October, 3 and 6 PM
*ТАЛЕ радионице биће организоване по договору са наставницима енглеског језика
* викендом, 12–14 сати, вођења кроз поставку (на српском и енглеском језику)