Tactile workshop for children Tactile Space, Snežana Nikolić, MA
Saturday, 10 June, 12 – 13.30 PM
A tactile workshop, which represents a segment of the exhibition entitled “A Sculptor Sreten Stojanović and Tactile Spaces”, will take place on Saturday, June 10. {Учесници радионице моћи ће да истраже додиром макету зграде Спомен-збирке, као и гипсани одливак Стојановићеве скулптуре Наташа Бошковић (1930), те тактилни дијаграм реализован у сарадњи са Снежаном Николић тифлологом ШОСО „Милан Петровић“.|Participants of the workshop will try to use their sense of touch to explore the model of the Memorial Collection building as well as the plaster cast of Stojanović’s sculpture Nataša Bošković (1930) and the accompanying tactile diagram created in cooperation with Snežana Nikolić, a typhlologist at Primary and Secondary School “Milan Petrović”.
Given the significant interest expressed by the audience, the exhibition was extended until 25 June.